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    September 06 2005
    Be the First to Experience the SUN
    September 6, 2005 (SEOUL, Korea) – Webzen Inc.(www.webzen.com) today announced the opening of the SUN (Soul of the Ultimate Nation) closed beta tests for 10,999 lucky users.
    The sign-up period will last for about a month, from today through October 3rd, on SUN’s close beta official website (www.sunonline.co.kr). Successful beta testers for phases 1 and 2 will be announced on the website on September 23rd and October 7th, respectively.
    The first closed beta test takes place from September 27th through October 3rd with 999 selected testers, and the second test starts on October 11th with the remaining 10,000 testers.
    With its KRW 10 billion production budget, SUN is an innovative next generation MMORPG game that renders visually stunning graphics in exquisite detail through the first-ever use of Normal mapping1 in online games. SUN boasts numerous differentiated elements, including the “map generation system” that allows gamers to set and play their own games. All signs are pointing to SUN as the blockbuster of 2005.
    “SUN is Webzen’s next major title,” said Nam-Ju Kim, chief executive officer of Webzen, Inc., “and through the closed beta tests, it’s finally making its highly-anticipated debut.” He added, “Users will now get a chance to experience firsthand SUN’s visually-compelling graphics, powerful storyline, state-of-art technology, and extraordinary original soundtrack.”
    To mark the start of the closed beta tests, Webzen is introducing the “Coming SUN: SUN Closed Beta Event.” Until October 3rd, “the SUN advanced party” members will be chosen from new subscribers, as well as users who apply for the beta tests. The selected SUN advanced party members will receive gifts through a variety of events.
    In addition, from users who recommend friends through e-mail or messenger, 1,000 users – including 100 individual users and 10 guilds – who signs up the most new subscribers will get the opportunity to participate in the second closed beta test.

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