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  • Notice of A Merger To ADR holders
    April 15 2017
    [Notice of A Merger To ADR holders] 
    We have resolved at the BOD held on March 31st, 2017 that WEBZEN&Play, Inc. shall merge with and into Webzen, Inc. According to the resolutions of the BOD, Webzen, Inc. and WEBZEN&Play, Inc. entered into the Agreement of Merger. We hereby announce the merger as obliged under the Commercial Act(the article 527-3) of Korea. As a shareholders of Webzen, Inc. you may file any objection in regard to the merger between Webzen, Inc. and WEBZEN&Play, Inc. until May 1st, 2017 referring to the following information : 
    1. Merging Companies
      1) Surviving Company : Webzen, Inc.
      2) Dissolving Company : WEBZEN&Play, Inc.
    2. Merger Method 
      WEBZEN&Play, Inc. shall merge with and into Webzen, Inc. and    
      WEBZEN&Play, Inc. Corporation shall be dissolved.
      (Small-Scale Merger) 
    3. Merger Ratio 
      Webzen, Inc. : WEBZEN&Play, Inc. = 1 : 0
      (WEBZEN&Play, Inc. is 100% owned by Webzen, Inc. and 
      the merger has been decided in accordance with the merger ratio of 1:0.)
    4. Date Set for Merger 
       June 5th, 2017
    5. Submission of Objection
       You may file an objection against the merger to J.P Morgan in writing until May 1st, 2017.
       -Period for filing objection
        FROM : April 17th, 2017. 
        TO : May 1st, 2017.
       -Appraisal rights of shareholders is not applicable under the Article 527-3 of the Commercial Act of Korea. 
       -Should shareholders who hold more than 20/100 of the total outstanding shares express the opposition to the small-scale merger, the merger contract will not be accepted.
    April 15th, 2017
    Tae Young Kim
    Chief Executive Officer
    WEBZEN, Inc.

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